Many companies and IT departments find it challenging to respond to constantly changing technology needs and initiatives using only internal staff. To acquire strategic skills in a timely and cost-effective manner, many CIOs and technical managers turn to Javen for quality solutions. Javen offers companies the ability to respond quickly to technology initiatives by strategically acquiring skills and cost-effectively managing available resources.
Javen gives you the ability to deliver IT resources to your organization quickly and efficiently by giving you the brainpower of highly trained IT consultants and specialists. Reliable, innovative IT professionals from Javen can help you take your company to the next level yet give you the flexibility to take on your greatest challenges without the expense, delay, or inconvenience of lengthy recruiting and assessment processes.
The Team at Javen can support your needs in variety areas and specialties, which include:
- Web Development
- Business Analysis
- Database Design and Administration
- Enterprise Resource Planning
- Data warehouse
- Network Engineering and Administration
- Project Management
- Legacy Systems Programming
- Software Development
- Systems Analysis
- Help Desk and Technical Support
We also have expertise in a variety of different specialties and industries that can augment your technology skill sets and improve your ability to meet the set business goals.
Providing Global Out-Sourcing Services
Through our offshore locations, Javen Technologies provides a service that complements a customer’s on-site Information Technology Strategy with a cost-effective use of our offshore software development facilities and personnel. Through our Service, our customers can save on development time and costs including labor, infrastructures, ramp-up time, learning curves, cultural barriers, and language problems. Further, Javen Technologies assumes responsibility for the management of the offshore activities and its product deliverables.
Solutions & System Integration
- Adopting a proven Systems Approach to Problem Solving
- Encouraging innovation and creativity in building cost-effective solutions
- Incorporating the latest technology and techniques in solution designs
- Complementing IT solutions with improvements to the processes and methodologies used in developing and maintaining these solutions
- Integrating business skills and multi-platform technology expertise into the solution
- Developing training programs, teaching training classes, and providing implementation assistance (including HELP Desk Support) to ensure high customer satisfaction with the technology and the processes underlying the delivered services and solutions
Success in any project requires the proper balance of people, methods, and tools. At Javen Technologies, we staff each project with a combination of business and technical knowledge, energy, chemistry, and commitment needed to make a project succeed. We organize and manage this complex collection of IT Professionals into an effective and efficient development team. Once an engagement begins, we continue to support our placements throughout each phase of the system development life cycle. Javen Technologies IT Disciplines Profile Javen Technologies consulting personnel consist of Junior Level through highly qualified Project Managers and Technical Lead rankings. Our consultants come to us with industry experiences from such business sectors as Manufacturing, retail, financial, Transportation, Insurance, and Federal and State Governments.
The IT Skill sets of our technical staff include not limited to:
- Software Engineers (Java, .Net, Golang, React, Angular, Node.JS)
- Mobile Developers (React Native, Xamarin, Flutter, jQuery Mobile)
- Cloud Engineers/Cloud Computing
- Network Engineers/System Admin
- IoT Engineers/Architects
- UI/UX developers /Designer/ Researchers
- DevOps Engineers (Jenkins, Splunk, Selenium, Puppet, Docker)
- Technical Architects (Cloud, Data, Enterprise, Solution)
- Data Engineers (AWS, Azure, GCP)
- Network Engineers (ETL, Amazon Redshift, Big Query, Tableau, Apache Spark)
- ML/AI Engineers (Python, R, C++, C#, Shell, Scala, Java)
- Data Scientists (SAS, Apache Spark, Big ML, MATLAB, Tableau)
- Project Managers & Business Analysts
- Automation Engineers
The Right Person in the Right Place at the Right Time has always been a success story
Javen Technologies believes in customer satisfaction. Most of our focus is centered on tailoring solutions to handle our customer’s needs. Our success is defined by the way we have made our clients successful.